Benefits Calculator

Turn2Us report that in the last year, over 2 million calculations have been made by people, like you, looking for information they deserve and need.

Tax Credits & Child Tax Credit

Did you know that if you work – whether you’re working for someone or self-employed – you may be entitled to a benefit called working tax credit to help you make ends meet?

Take control of your money with Nudge

Managing your money can feel like hard work — but it doesn’t have to.

Talk Money Week

In the hustle and bustle of the hospitality industry, we’re no strangers to the late nights and the constant hum of chatter. But there’s one conversation that often gets lost amid the clink of glasses and the chime of the till: the talk about money. 

Financial Wellbeing

Nudge is an invaluable tool that empowers individuals to take control of their financial health. Through our partnership, we encourage all members of the licensed trade community to sign up for Nudge using our dedicated link.

Beat New Year Money Blues With Our Financial Tips

After the expense of Christmas and in many cases early payment of wages in December, the months of January and February can feel difficult with finances squeezed and hard decisions to make.

How financial information and support changed Paul’s life

We know how stressful it can be to struggle with day-to-day living costs just to make ends meet. When debts get out of control, it’s often difficult to know where to turn.

Cost of Living Increase

Suppliers and households across the UK have experienced another rise in energy costs and utility bills are predicted to increase even further in the coming months.

Free Legal Helpline – Law Express

To support Licensees with legal matters the Licensed Trade Charity has partnered with Law Express, the UK’s leading provider of personal and business telephone legal advice.

Online debt advice service

We know how stressful it can be to struggle with day-to-day living costs just to make ends meet. When debts get out of control, it’s often difficult to know where to turn.