About us

The Licensed Trade Charity was founded in 1793, and we have been helping those in the licensed hospitality sector for over 200 years.


Thanks to our army of fundraisers across the country, we are able to support pub, bar and brewery people whenever they are most in need of help.

How we help
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0808 801 0550
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Practical Advice from the Licensed Trade Charity

How we help

We support hundreds of people facing a crisis each year with practical advice, wellbeing support and financial guidance.

It is estimated that around 250,000 people working in the licensed hospitality sector are in need of help at any one time, and we’re here to support as many as possible.


We have established a number of commercial operations and investments that generate the income we use to fund our charitable work, and we work closely with operators around the UK to raise awareness of the support we can offer to their people.

Broad spectrum of support

Broad spectrum of support

The range of support that the LTC provides is extensive. Our dedicated team is well-equipped to prevent issues from escalating into crises, through our helpline and preventive resources.
Additionally, we collaborate with our partners to extend the specialist services we can offer, ensuring comprehensive support for licensed hospitality people.

Reach out to our helpline on 0808 801 0550.

The Licensed Trade Charity Impact Report 2022

Our 2022 Impact Report highlights our achievements during 2022, and looks at our direction for the future.

Download the report

The Licensed Trade Charity Gender Pay Gap Report 2022

The Charity regularly monitors pay rates across the organisation and is confident that men and women are paid equally for similar jobs. The detail can be seen here in our 2022 Gender Pay Gap report.

Download the report

The Licensed Trade Charity Trustees Report 2022

See our 2022 Trustees Report for more detail about our operations and recent financial activity.

Download the report

Our Operational Structure

Throughout our history, the Licensed Trade Charity has been both innovative and responsive to changing needs and in seeking opportunities to sustain our work. We opened our first school in 1803 and continue to educate children in our three successful schools – LVS Ascot, LVS Hassocks and LVS Oxford.

Our financial management ensures that our portfolio of investments, properties and operations are effectively managed to comply with key legislation and generate income to secure the future of the Charity.


Some of that income derives from our schools, which still observe the objectives laid down by the founders, that the schools should be co-educational, nonselective and in a green and airy situation.


As a diverse organisation with services that support so many vulnerable people, our processes, policies, GDPR and safeguarding practices are robust and wide-ranging. We take our responsibilities to comply with regulation and legislation seriously and have a structure in place to check our operations and provide direction.

Our Trustees

Our Trustees are responsible for keeping proper accounting records which disclose, with reasonable accuracy at any time, the financial position of the Charity and enable them to ensure that the financial statements comply with the requirements of the Charities Act 2011.

The Trustees are also responsible for safeguarding the assets of the Charity and therefore, for taking reasonable steps for the prevention and detection of fraud.


The Charity’s constitution also dictates that Trustees and members of committees emanate from a membership base.


Please email clare.clark@ltcharity.org.uk if you would like any information on how our Trustees work, or how the Charity is governed and managed.

Ludovick Halik

Chairman of the Licensed Trade Charity & Vice Chair of Oxford Governing Body.


Ludovick has over 30 years experience in the licensed retail business. He has previously been a trainer and a multi-site operator as well as a trustee of the BII.

Mike Hill

Immediate Past Chairman of the Licensed Trade Charity & sits on LVS Ascot Governing Body.


Mike has over 36 years experience in the brewery trade.

Anita Adams

Trustee & sits on LVS Ascot Governing Body.


Anita has over 30 years in the licensed trade and is currently MD of the Maltings (York) Ltd.

Tracy Bird

Trustee and sits on our Charity Services & Membership Committees.


Tracy is a third-generation publican and has been a licensee for over 30 years.

Mike Clist

Trustee, Chair of LVS Hassocks Governing Body & sits on our Charity Services Committee.


Mike is Non-Executive Director of the BII and has over 45 years’ experience in the pub industry.

Toby Brett

Trustee, Chair of Membership & Chair of LVS Ascot Governing Body.


Toby has over 30 years in the licensed trade and is currently Managing Director of Banwell House Company Ltd.

Gerry Cleary

Trustee, sits on our Charity Services Committee and a Charity Services Volunteer.

Gerry worked in the licensed trade for over 40 years.

Pat Duddy

Trustee, Vice-Chair of our Charity Services Committee and is a Charity Services Volunteer.


Pat worked in industry for 30 years with Courage, Scottish & Newcastle and Heineken.

Annette King

Chair of the Charity Services Committee. Annette has been a part of the licensed trade her whole working life, currently in her family run pub The Nags Head in Pleasley.

Jeremy Phillips KC



As a KC Jeremy focuses principally on Gambling, Taxi, Alcohol & Entertainment licensing.

Peter Raynsford

Trustee, Chair of our Pensions Committee & sits on our Charity Services Committee.


Peter has over 30 years experience in the licensed trade.

Pauline Ross

Trustee, Chair of the LVS Oxford Governing Body & Vice Chair of LVS Ascot Governing Body.


Pauline’s first career was in education before a second career running her own free house.

Paul Wigham



Paul has over 30 years in the licensed trade and is currently CEO of All Our Bars.

Trevor Sparks

Trustee, sits on the LVS Ascot Governing Body & our Pensions Committee.


Trevor has over 30 years banking and finance experience.

George Wishart

Trustee & sits on our Charity Services Committee.


Has been a licensee for over 40 years leaving the trade in the late 90s to start his own stock-taking and account businesses specialising in the licensed trade.

Roy Boulter

Trustee & sits on our Charity Services Committee.


Roy has over 30 years in the licensed trade and retired in 2010 from Heineken.

Paul Hegarty

Trustee & sits on the LVS Oxford Governing Body.


Paul specialises in communications, Public Affairs, CSR and PR and was previously Secretary of the All-Party Parliamentary Beer Group.

Trevor Heyburn

Trustee & sits on the LVS Ascot Governing Body.


Trevor has over 40 years experience in the licensed drinks sector and was former MD of Venners Ltd.

News from the LTC

The Licensed Trade Charity launches Heart Of Hospitality campaign to celebrate team champions

Heart of Hospitality recognises the people within the licenced trade who always go that extra mile to give a little TLC, with a long-term goal of making the industry a…

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Leeds Half Marathon

Beneficiary Completes Remarkable Transformation With Half Marathon Run After Battle With Alcoholism

David Monaghan, who came to the Licensed Trade Charity for help in 2017 with an alcohol problem, has completed a remarkable transformation.

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Publican’s Wife Praises “Life Changing” Licensed Trade Charity As Son Grabs Amazing Education Opportunity At Its LVS Ascot School

A publican’s wife has praised the Licensed Trade Charity for rescuing her son’s education and inspiring him to new academic heights by giving him an opportunity she says was “life…

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How financial, housing and mental wellbeing support helped Marie and her family

These days, relationship breakdown is something that a large number of people have to cope with. And people working in the licensed trade have the added stresses of working long,…

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Women sitting in a chair facing the camera

How we helped Janine with her housing situation

Janine had worked in the licensed trade for nearly 10 years and was struggling with her family’s needs.

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Screenshot from video of man that was helped by charity next to the LTC logo

How financial information and support changed Paul’s life

We know how stressful it can be to struggle with day-to-day living costs just to make ends meet. When debts get out of control, it’s often difficult to know where…

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Collection of thank you cards

Thank You Messages Demonstrate Difference We Make

At the Licensed Trade Charity, we have been helping pub and bar people for over 200 years. We’re proud to be able to make a difference in people’s lives with…

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Reach Out

Remember, you can always reach out to us via our helpline, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Give us a call on 0808 801 0550, and we’ll do our best to assist you.