Relate Enquiry Form

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Please choose your current or most recent employer in the licensed trade by starting typing their name. If you were not part of a larger Pubco or brewery, please type independent

Please choose your current or most recent employer in the licensed trade by starting typing their name. If you were not part of a larger Pubco or brewery, please type independent

HMRC sign in

We can offer Relate services to people who are currently working or have in the past worked in the licensed drinks industry. To accept your application and fund these services we would need to confirm your employment in the trade. We do this by sending a form to HMRC, they confirm your present/past employers and the years you worked for them. No other information will be shared with us.
Please follow the instructions on the HMRC form below to give us electronic signature showing your consent. Once completed, it is important that you scroll down to click ‘submit’ button on the bottom of this page as only then we will receive your enquiry.
Once we receive this you can gain access to the Couples or Young Peoples’ counselling support that Relate offers.

Please confirm you have filled in the HMRC form as we are unable to process your requests without verifying your connection to the licenced drinks trade.

If you have any difficulties completing the HMRC form please email us on

We will treat you with courtesy and respect and in return our staff and volunteers expect the same.
All our staff and volunteers have the right to work in a safe and healthy environment. Verbal abuse, threats, intimidation, aggression, racial or sexual abuse, discrimination or physical assault will not be tolerated under any circumstances. To see our code of conduct policy please click here.