Code of Conduct Policy


The Trustee body of the Licensed Trade Charity (LTC) is required to set out a Code of Conduct for everyone who comes in contact with the Charity such as Enquirers, Applicants, Beneficiaries, Employees, Trustees, Governors, Committee Members, Volunteers, and external agencies for our helplines.

1.1 Enquirers, Applicants, Beneficiaries, should be aware that not observing the following Code of Conduct could result in immediate withdrawal of all support including financial. There is no right to any form of support whether financial or otherwise. Any support offered is always at the discretion of the Charity.


This Code helps all to understand what behaviour is not acceptable.

2.0 All should be aware of issues relating to the following forms of abuse:

– Psychological. This includes emotional abuse, threats of harm, humiliation, blaming, emotional blackmailing, controlling, intimidation, coercion, harassment, verbal abuse, cyber bullying.
– Physical. This includes assault, hitting, slapping, pushing.
– Financial. Includes theft, fraud, mail and internet scamming.
– Sexual. Including rape, indecent exposure, sexual harassment, inappropriate looking or touching, sexual teasing or innuendo, subjection to pornography or witnessing sexual acts, indecent exposure and sexual assault or sexual acts to which the adult has not consented or was pressured into consenting.
– Discriminatory. This includes forms of harassment, slurs or similar treatment, because of race, gender and gender identity, age, disability, sexual orientation or religion.

We will not tolerate the use of language that may encourage or promote an unacceptable culture of abuse under any of the above categories.

2.1 This includes all forms of communication such as verbal in person or over the telephone, written communication via emails, WhatsApp, txt message or online enquiry and application forms.

2.2 Employees or third-party staff should be treated with respect and not be demeaned. Their safety and welfare must not be placed at risk.

2.3 All should be aware that extremes of mood, inappropriate language, as well as body language and written communication, can cause offence and could be perceived as bullying.

2.4 LTC employees will not speak to Enquirers, Applicants and Beneficiaries demonstrating detrimental behaviour akin to the use of Alcohol and/or Drug use (including prescribed medication and legal highs). LTC employees will offer alternative time/day to continue with the support on offer and terminate the call.


You have the right to appeal against the decision to terminate your application based on breaching this code of conduct. A written statement detailing the reason for the appeal should be sent to the Chief Executive of the Licensed Trade Charity within five working days of receiving the written decision.

Reviewed: 2nd October 2023
Reviewed by: CEO / HR Director / Head of Charity Services
Author: H R Director
Version 1.0
Next Review no later than: 2nd October 2024